Mourning Customs Tours with Save Our cemeteries

Louisiana Landmarks Society and Save Our Cemeteries hosted a special tour on 19th century mourning and interment customs. The tours ran October 27, 28 and November 2 and were guided tours of the c. 1799 Pitot House while it was dressed in mourning. Guests then walked over to St. Louis Cemetery No. 3 to view historic tombs and learn about the people inside them. Our cocktail ticket included an apple cider cocktail.

Free Lecture 10.28, 12:30PM: Sarah Duggan, "The Art of Mourning". Sarah is the Decorative Arts of the Gulf South (DAGS) project manager at The Historic New Orleans Collection (HNOC). She presented on HNOC's collection of mourning artwork and sharing images of her findings from her field work travels. 

Elena Walker