Landmarks Welcomes Our 2021-22 Officers and Board of Trustees

The Louisiana Landmarks Society hosted its Annual Meeting this Sunday, May 30, 2021 at the Pitot House on Bayou St. John. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon and the meeting was well attended. President, Sally Reeves addressed the membership and reviewed the challenges and accomplishments of the past year. Assistant Treasurer, Louis McFaul, gave an excellent report on finances and finally, Treasurer, Michael Duplantier, presented the Harnett T. Kane Preservation Award to S. Frederick Starr in absentia. Michael was honored for his previous service as president as well.

The Nominating Committee, consisting of Jim Logan, Michael Duplantier, Nathan Lott, James Rolf, Sandra Stokes, and Sally Reeves ex officio, presented the following slate of officers and trustees for 2021-2022 who were voted in by the membership.

President - Sally Reeves

1st Vice President - James Rolf

2nd Vice President - Betsy Stout

Treasurer - Michael Duplantier

Assistant Treasurer - Jeff Bernard

Corresponding Secretary - Rene Fransen

Recording Secretary - Nathan Lott

Board of Trustees:

Harry Barkderding

William G. Barry, Jr.

Brittney Belanger

Margot Hammond

Keith Hardie

Tony Marino

Michael Mancuso

Teddy Pierre

Peter Wolf

Jenny Dyer