Oustanding response to saving Historic Holy Cross Administration Building from Demolition by Neglect


Louisiana Landmarks has gotten an amazing response to our call to help save the Historic Holy Cross Administration Building from demolition by neglect but we still need to keep up the momentum.

Ways you can help:

1) Call 311 and report the neglect to Code Enforcement.

2) Contact Angela O'Byrne at aobyrne@e-perez.com and ask her to stabilize the building immediately --- no more excuses.

3) Write the mayor and councilmembers to ask them to enforce compliance at:

mayorcantrell@nola.gov, helena.moreno@nola.gov, jarwilliams@nola.gov,

Joseph.Giarrusso@nola.gov, Jay.H.Banks@nola.gov, Kristin.Palmer@nola.gov

jcbrossett@nola.gov, Cyndi.Nguyen@nola.gov

4) Help spread the word. Forward this to your friends and ask them to help.

David Mitchell Holy Cross Letter_Page_1.jpg
Jenny Dyer